A clan member got married

We congratulate Katrin and Felix Strobel on their start to marital bliss together. The two said yes to each other on September 9th, 2023. Best of wishes you two.

Best list of the NRW State Championship of the Highland Games teams 2023

 1. Platz - Black Mill Maids (263Pkt)
 2. Platz - Remscheider Schützenladies (230Pkt)
 3. Platz - Chaosraben Damen (225Pkt)

Ranking list of the pipe competition of the 12 Scottish Days in Wuppertal

Grade5 – Slow Air/March
1st Place - Maximilian Pein
2nd Place - Jenny Wilde
3rd Place - Sascha Heinze
es folgen Norbert Galle (4), Alexander Hess (5), Dirk Feser (6), Thorsten Brandes (7), André Löchel (8), Christine Borgert-Vieten (9), Claudia Gröhler (10)