Clanmeeting in Scotland

A final joint program item took place on Sunday. Long before most of us even opened our eyes, Markus was already on his way to the old church in Balquhidder to install our donated “Memorial Bench” in the designated place together with Louis MacLaren and Donald's sister Vicci. More about it here: Memorial Bench for Donald.

So, on Sunday we continued with the “Sunday Service”, which this time was held in Balquhidder Parish Church to commemorate the first anniversary of Donald’s death. Unfortunately, the picnic planned afterwards only took place with purely German participation. Nevertheless, we started the 20-minute climb to Creag an tuirc. It was a nice hike and the view made the short but steep climb worthwhile. With the sun almost shining, the view over Loch Voil stretched to the horizon.

Unfortunately, we discovered that the ledge is no longer an “insider tip”. We weren't alone. At the end, Ralf “the Piper” ensured that Scottish sounds could be heard all over Balquhidder and Glen Voil.

An absolutely honorable end to a wonderful time with friends in Scotland. At this point, a huge thank you to the “Friends” who represent our club in Scotland and have made their first personal contact with our new clan chief. According to initial feedback, it was a very good first impression.


And at this point we would like to point out that we want to offer a association trip to the Highland Games in Lochearnhead in 2026, to mark our association's 15th anniversary. Maybe you should remember the date.

Haste ye back